
Abrakadoodle Classes 

Abrakadoodle offers fabulous Toddler Art Classes, Preschool Art Classes and Elementary Art Classes


DOODLERS Elementary School Art Classes for ages 6 and  up

Doodlers develop new skills and talents while designing unique creations using a variety of wonderful materials.  Each Elementary School Art Class focuses upon developing skills, learning techniques and expanding self confidence.  Doodlers develop:

    • Artistic skills and craftsmanship
    • Knowledge of artistic styles and art history
    • Imaginative projects
    • The power of self expression, and more


MINI DOODLERS Preschool Art Classes for ages 3 to 5

Mini Doodlers gleefully create their own masterpieces using a wide range of quality art materials.  Mini Doodlers in our Preschool Art Classes develop skills important for school success such as fine motor skills, language, cognitive skills and the ability to listen and follow directions in our enchanting environment. Mini Doodlers develop:

        • School readiness skills
        • New language
        • Brain power
        • Creativity, imagination and more!


TWOOSY DOODLERS Toddler Art Classes for ages 20 months to age 3

This special parent/child class is a highly recommended first Toddler Art Class. Twoosy Doodlers develop their sensory skills as well as fine and gross motor skills.  They learn about color, texture and more while experimenting with new, engaging materials.  Twoosy Doodlers develop:

        • Fine and gross motor skills
        • Language
        • Social skills
        • The ability to experiment while having FUN!

Abrakadoodle Specialty Classes



Abrakadoodle is always on the cutting edge with new and exciting art lessons! Specialty art classes allow kids the opportunity to focus upon one aspect of art such as painting, drawing, design or history. Our Art Classes for Kids exceed the Visual Arts Standards so that you always know kids are getting rich learning experiences while having fun. Classes are offered at various times and locations. Here is a sampling of just some of our classes:

Drawsters™ Creative Drawing Program

Kids learn the mechanics of drawing that they then apply to develop one-of-a-kind artwork. They discover artistic styles, drawing tools and special techniques as they develop their unique creations. And their artwork is often framed with FrameDoodles or Eco-Papers.

Kids on Canvas

This is one of our most popular classes! Kids learn about painting on canvas paper, canvas board and stretched canvas using acrylics. They are inspired as they learn the techniques, style and vocabulary of such artists as Renoir, Mondrian, Laurel Burch, Jackson Pollock, Modigliani, Warhol, Sam Francis and Frank Stella.

Green Kids in a Colorful World and Many More FUN Themes

Kids are natural conservationists! So they love creating art using found objects and recycling.  They create amazing artwork while conserving natural resources. What could be better than that?